The 5th Wave

By Fleetwood Cooper Wright

  1. Prologue (What is the Bronze Age, escaping the world of Ugliness)
  2. Part 1 ( Misled about what is life, Darwinian critiques, Metaphysics, Hormones , owned space)
  3. Part 2 ( modern homo and other deviants, more on owned space, the underworld,  Chinese historical conception and the evil of the yeast civilization, different conceptions on the city, the superior barbarian, the greek polis middle ground, BAP environmentalism, wardens of this prison, peasants lived better and the puritans, the nature of women, arguments against empiricism, gnostic sects, falsification of history, geography, and religion. Competitive history,  Plato jews and the middle age benedictine monks, phantom time, conspiracies of the poles and pilots, the possible myth of matriarchy, conquering the biomass in India/China, returning to the neolithic longhouse) 
  4. Part 3 (chapter 2) (inferior men today, conquest identity came first, examples: GENERALISSIMO Alfredo Stroessner Matiauda, ALCIBIADES, PIETRO BOSELLI AND RIGID FLESH, HIPPOKLIDES FROM ATHENS, DIOGENES the cynic,  SCHOPENHAUER ON FRIVOLITY OF WOMEN, CLEARCHUS of SPARTA, AGATHOKLES, WEAKNESS Of BUGMEN ELITE, Shoppetnhauer, said all animals were herbivores but some took its own lives by its own jaw, Paglia art and the futility of these fields, Tacitius on the Germanic, Otium Et Bellum, Spartan Drinking song,  Greek Friendship, Harmodius and Aristigitone and the dual charioteers, Scouting movements, Zionism, Superman mindset and the false power of stalin, Periander of Corinth, Lysander, Bracidus, Diomedes, Achillies, Mental Disease, Sutotonius, Caligula and the power of roman kings, Elagabalus the trap, Nero the homo,  Greek Statues from egypt example, Cleobus and Biton, Solon, Young kind Conradin, Charles of Anjou and the usurpation of Catholic integralism, age of exploration, CAMMOIS poem Cheuta Moore, china and the future domination of it, PEDRO DE ALVARADO, BOB DENARD, Mad Mike Hoare, MARK THATCHER, CAPANIUS OF THEBES, NIEL ELLIS of SIERRA LEONE CIVIL WAR, Operation Eland, Teddy Roosevelt, Lope De Aguerre.
  5.  Part 4 A Few Arrows (Strategy) ( women’s rights, strong leviathan, feminism, egalitarian idols, gynocracy, post-industrial bug men elites and the cause of feminism,  the glimmer of napoleon, conservative inc nerds, democracy, optics, trump as the model, sebastian kurzs, normies, dork ideological constructs, clowns of zog, the futility of suburbs, don’t do IRL unless secret , Pranks, example of Samurai reassertion, military coup and the example of Fijians, Democracy paired with ethic diversity, South Africa and ethno states, military rule as el natural, military man with personal flare,  betas stopping great plans, the military as an evil but necessary body to join, the wasp and the abandonment of institutions, intelligence agencies, nature of people who come to DC power hungry types, the believability of pizza gate and q anon, injection of nationalists in all of these institutions in the west, allies with end goal oriented allies, weakness of the wasp soccer mom mormon cia since angleton, power of memes and memory of ricky vaughn, don’t make positive claims, the tired nature of ideology, no pagan tradition, don’t insult christians, doctrine of peace, exclude women not on racial identities,  don’t be blatantly racist, power of pranks and media operations and trolling, trump and the power of framing, the importance of friends, critiquing the white natalist movement, dont worry about helath too much, poisions in food, sun and cocomnut oil, fat before muscle, greek gyms, leftists cant work out, easy to close of borders, keep your projects secret, be disciplines, should be in your blood, dont appeal too hard too the left, dont be too pro-white in racialisms but appeal to their qualms, getting the people to lose faith in the media, cleansing nature of barbarism and its eventual coming
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